Tag Archives: mph

Using “Engine Coasting” For More MPG

ImageI’m not sure if it’s the correct name for the method but I’m coining it here “Engine Coasting” is the practise of using a Hybrid vehicle’s momentum as well as a reduced rev to effectively maintain or reduce the speed at which you decelerate whilst still keeping the MPG well above 80.

To achieve Engine Coasting, bring your car to the desired speed and keep your revs at the point where you are maintaining that speed exactly, then pull back on the throttle to about two thirds. Your MPG will jump to around 80 / 90 MPG and your car will start to slow down, but it will slow down very slowly allowing you to “coast” at high MPG for quite some time.

This technique is particularly useful if you know you will have to slow down some distance from your location. Take this example:

You are driving at 50 mph and returning about 60 MPG and you know that up ahead around 1 mile away is a roundabout. The traffic ahead of you is driving at around 55 / 60 mph. In a mile the traffic ahead will come to a stop to navigate the round about so you *know* you can safely start to decelerate slowly now and still catch up with the traffic shortly. If you maintain your speed and revs you will get 60 MPG up to the point where the traffic starts to slow down, or you can “Engine Coast” at around 80 MPG and reach your traffic a little later with much more efficiency. Pull back on the revs until you are returning 80 MPG and watch your speed. It will start to reduce slowly but because the traffic has started to slow ahead of you, you effectively reach the round about at the same time but at 80 MPG instead of 60 MPG.